Where Does Australia Stand in the Future in The Electric Vehicle Market?

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A few years ago, there were limited EVs for every hundred new cars sold in Australia, and it was extremely uncommon to see one on Sydney roads. The picture is changing in favour of EVs now. Sales of electric vehicles are skyrocketing in Australia, propelled by the Tesla Model 3 and the entry of new brands and types into the market. Australia, one of the largest global laggards in the adoption of electrical vehicles, is now more open to the idea.

It was calculated that the market share for sales of electric automobiles in the first half of 2021 would be just 1.57%. However, international pattern often indicate a speedier adoption of electric vehicles than that observed in Australia, and if they start to become more affordable, it will be almost certain that they will start to make up an increasing percentage of the cars on the Australian roads. Moreover, certain benefits will help in a better future for EVs on Australian roads.

Charging Homes 

Our automobiles will likely be able to charge when electricity prices are lowest, then power our homes at times of peak demand, or even feedback into a local grid that is shared by everyone. The capacity to send electricity from an electric car’s battery into a residence is known as “bi-directional” charging, and it is being explored around the world. In Australia, it is being developed under the umbrella of “vehicle to grid” (V2G) technology. Bi-directional charging is currently being used by some electric car owners, but it will be some time before we are all utilising our cars to charge our homes.

Whether it is charging a car or an e-bike, Jucer Charge On has all parts required to keep EVs in running condition. Jucer is passionate about EV technology and therefore they supply all their Australian customers with EV charging technology products at an affordable price. Whether you’re looking for a type 2 charger cable, Type 1 to type 2 adaptor, Type 2 portable charger, or a type 2 stretch charging cable, they have everything available.

Rich in Raw Material 

Thousands of high-quality manufacturing jobs might be created in Australia if the country’s auto manufacturing industries are revitalised. It may accomplish this by utilising Australia’s inherent abundance of EV components, huge clean energy resources, and established manufacturing talent pool. Australia has advantages other countries would die for when it comes to developing an EV manufacturing industry, including abundant lithium and rare earth mineral reserves, a strong industrial infrastructure, a highly skilled workforce, strong training capabilities, a wide range of renewable energy sources, and untapped consumer potential.

Government Incentives 

Though the Australian government has not issued any great benefits, certain territories have taken a step. Government support is necessary for the development of an electric car manufacturing sector in Australia. Examples of this support include employing tax incentives to increase the nation’s output of vital minerals and luring foreign automakers to Australia to set up shops. Additionally, governments at all levels possess considerable purchasing power that may be utilised to support early demand for electric vehicles, for example, by requiring a switchover of government vehicle fleets to electric models.

It can be said that currently, the Australian market is lagging in the EV segment. However, with growing demand and current market requirements, this scene may change soon to Australia’s benefit.