Safety Driving Tips Everybody Should Know


  1. Do simple safety checks

Begin by checking your vehicle’s turn signals and headlights. Make sure both the front and rear lights are functioning properly. Check your tire pressure to ensure you are at the recommended level. Take a look under your car to make sure there aren’t any loose items or leaks.

  1. before you insert the key into the ignition, adjust all mirrors and seats.

You should not start the engine as soon as possible. Before you do, make sure to inspect the mirrors and the position of your seat.

Adjusting either mirror is easy. Simply place your head on the window of the driver and adjust the left side mirror until you can see the left end. To adjust the right mirror, simply tilt your head towards the center of the vehicle to adjust the mirror.

You will no longer be able to see the other side of the vehicle if you return to your normal sitting position. However, your blind spots will diminish.

  1. Do Not Use Your Mobile Device

Although it seems obvious, you’d be amazed at how many people forget to use their mobile phones while driving. Drivers who use a mobile phone to communicate with their vehicles are four times more likely to cause an accident.

Drivers are often distracted by their mobile devices, which demand full attention, both visual and cognitive. This can because you to lose your grip on the wheel take your eyes off of the road and distract your brain.

You should intervene if you are a passenger in a vehicle being operated by a distracted driver. They are putting other occupants at risk. Safer Drivers Course help to learn more about becoming a safe driver reduce risks and anticipate hazard situations by making well-informed decisions on the road.

  1. Drive defensively

Defensive Driving is a set of driving skills that can help you to anticipate major risks and potential hazards.

You will be able to spot potential hazards if you focus your gaze on the road instead of looking ahead. After you’ve identified a potential danger and determined what to do about it, take immediate action.

These defensive driving tips are here:

  • Keep your speed under control
  • Never assume that you are aware of the intentions of another driver.
  • Be ready to react to other drivers.
  • Yield at intersections even if your right of way is up.
  • Keep your eyes on the road, and eliminate distractions like mobile phones, untapped toddlers, and so on.
  1. Pay Attention to the Other Guy

Sometimes you might be driving safely and following all traffic rules, but someone can crash into you. There is nothing you can do.

It doesn’t hurt to assume that everyone on the road is stupid when you drive. You should be prepared for unexpected stops, tailgating, and unsignaled turns. You may be correct, so it pays to be prepared.

  1. Drive Far Ahead

Driving requires you to be completely focused, but not on the car in front of you.

You must constantly look ahead about half a mile to be able to process and react to all that is happening on the road. You can then tell when you need to stop and if the gas pedal should be released.

  1. Do not follow too closely

You cannot see the intentions of the driver in front of you so don’t follow. To give yourself sufficient response time in case the car ahead makes a sudden turn, or stops abruptly, keep your car at a distance from the car in front.

Experts recommend a gap of three to four seconds.

This means that you should be looking ahead for a stationary object. As soon as your car passes it, count the seconds until the object is passed.

This can be increased to seven to eight seconds if you drive at night or during bad weather.

  1. Avoid the NO-Zone

Due to the higher driver’s position in large vehicles like trucks and buses, there is a blind spot called the NO Zone.

These vehicles’ drivers cannot see the road ahead and it is dangerous to tailgate them.

Follow these vehicles closely and make sure to see the driver’s mirror. Also, honk frequently so that they know you are there.

You can avoid the blind spot between these vehicles by making sure that the whole vehicle is visible from your rearview mirror.